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Business Process Reeingineering (BPR)
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Leopoldo Marcelo Zambrelli

Industrial Engineer, Engineering - University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and System Analyst (NCR). He teaches in the Logistics Course, at Engineering UBA as Senior Professor. Member of the CLM (Council of Logistics Management) USA.
Professional experience in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, in Distribution and Sourcing Business Process Reengineering. Has carried out Administrative Business Process Reengineering in Services Companies (Payment procedures, Call Centers, Banks Client Services, Accounts Processes), Industrial Companies (Inventory Management, Warehousing Design, Production Planning, Standard Costs, Method Time Measurements).
Experience in Logistic Outsourcing Processes (with companies such as Cervecería y Maltería Quilmes, Molinos Río de la Plata, Coca Cola, Procter & Gamble, Dow Chemical)
Experience in e-commerce (NetlogistiK, Mexico)
Worked in Strategic Marketing and Finance (DEG Bank, Germany) and has experience in Companies Start-ups and Development (Exologística, Argentina and Brazil, Dermet, Mexico).

Graciela M. Baiguera

Architect, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Architecture & Urbanism Faculty. Systems Dynamic Course in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) USA. Small and Medium Enterprise Management Course (IAE, Management and Business School), HHRR Strategic Management Course (IAE-IESE).
Professionally assisted in the research of the book “System Dynamics: An Ever-Present Vision, by Dr. Juan C. Rego.
Professional experience in Argentina, England and Ireland (lived 7 years in Ireland) in architecture projects and consultancy.
Coordinated International Executive Management Seminars in IAE (Management and Business School). Researched on best practices of Learning Organizations updating HHRR practices.
Experience in Team Building Training, with out-door activities to be applied to the corporate environment.

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